Processing Organics
AltRoot diverts biodegradable material from landfills, turning it into quality compost soil amendment for local farms.
Environment Canada estimates that approximately 40 per cent of the residential waste stream in Canada (and up to 60 per cent of the waste stream in total) consists of biodegradable material such as food, leaf and yard waste. Most of that still ends up in landfills, but proper handling does allow for diversion.
“The environmental benefits of diverting organic materials from landfill include reduced methane emissions (a potent greenhouse gas), and decreased leachate quantities,” writes the Compost Council of Canada. “From a life-cycle perspective, other benefits, such as the production of valuable compost and renewable energy, can also be derived from the diversion of organic materials from disposal.”
AltRoot diverts that biodegradable material from landfills, turning it into quality compost soil amendment for local farms.
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